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General Terms and Conditions for the SponJobs Platform. (12.06.23)



These General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) apply to all placements made via the SponJobs platform between employers and employees. SponJobs is currently in the testing phase. During this phase, SponJobs is not responsible for the quality or authenticity of the information provided by employers and employees. It is the users' responsibility to clarify eligibility for employment. By using the platform, the user agrees to these terms.


Placement Fee

During the testing phase, where SponJobs is exclusively available for jobs in Düsseldorf, we do not charge a placement fee. Our goal is to work customer-oriented and to continuously optimize and improve our platform. We encourage all users to support us in making SponJobs a platform that you use with enthusiasm.


Tax and Legal Obligations

Employers and employees are responsible for complying with all tax and labor law obligations arising from the employment relationship. SponJobs assumes no liability for any violations of these obligations.


Minimum Age of Employees

Employees who wish to use our SponJobs platform must generally have reached the age of 18, as they are considered fully contractually capable in the Federal Republic of Germany. This is necessary because the registration of a business and the exercise of independent activities generally require legal capacity. Minor employees, i.e., persons under the age of 18, may still be active as independent employees under certain circumstances. However, this requires the consent of the legal representative (usually the parents) and the approval of the family court. It should also be noted that certain activities require a permit or approval and that there may be special age requirements for this.


Requirements for the Employee

Employees are generally subject to the laws and requirements set for self-employed employees in the Federal Republic of Germany and its federal states. It is the employee's own responsibility to meet all legal requirements as a self-employed employee. This also includes applying for a trade license and creating and sending invoices to the employer.


Requirements for the Employer

The employer is subject to the general laws and requirements imposed by the Federal Republic of Germany and its federal states. It is the duty of the employer to independently fulfill all legal requirements as an employer. This also includes the creation of contracts with the employee.



SponJobs is not liable for damages resulting from the use of the platform or from the employment relationships brokered between employer and employee.


Amendment of the GTC

SponJobs reserves the right to change these GTCs at any time. Users will be informed of such changes in a timely manner.

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